Lura's Uncle Roy is in Japan. He used to take Christmas dinner at Lura's home. Now he could only write her papa to say a box of gifts had been sent, and one was for his little girl. The little girl clapped her hands, crying, "Oh, mamma! ... Read more of A TURKEY FOR ONE. at Children Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Theresa Knorr

"It is said that a dream produced a powerful effect on Hone's mind. He dreamt that he was introduced into a room where he was an entire stranger, and saw himself seated at a table, and on going towards the window his attention was somehow or ot... Read more of The Knot In The Shutter at Scary

148. A mole on the eyebrow denotes that one will be hanged. On the ear it denotes that he will be drowned. Chestertown, Md. 149. Mole above breath Means wealth. 150. Moles on the neck, Money by the peck. ... Read more of Moles at
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Theresa Knorr ( ) started killing in the year 1984. The official number of people that were killed were 3 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 4 people. The last reported murder was on 1985. The murders took place in California.

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