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Anthony Shore

It is very important at the outset to consider the qualities of this very important line. In some hands it is broad and shallow on the surface of the hand, in others it is deep and fine; the appearance of this line is very often deceptive, and ... Read more of The Line Of Life at Palm

I It was with a little alarm and a good deal of pleasurable excitement that I looked forward to my first grown-up visit to Mervyn Grange. I had been there several times as a child, but never since I was twelve years old, and now I was o... Read more of The Closed Cabinet at Mystery
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Anthony Shore (The Strangler) started killing in the year 1986. The official number of people that were killed were 5 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 6 people. The last reported murder was on 1995. The murders took place in Texas.

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