When the interior of a piece is to be shown as a piece cut in half, or when a piece is broken away, as is done to make more of the parts show, or show more clearly, the surface so broken away or cut off is section-lined or cross-hatched; that... Read more of Section Lining Or Cross-hatching at How to Draw.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Douglas Clark

The first requisite of style is choice of words, and this comes under the head of Diction, the property of style which has reference to the words and phrases used in speaking and writing. The secret of literary skill from any standpoint consist... Read more of DICTION at Speaking Writing.com

A lion woke up one morning feeling really rowdy and mean. He went out and cornered a small monkey and roared, "Who is mightiest of all jungle animals?" The trembling monkey says, "You are, mighty lion! Later, the lion confronts a ox and fie... Read more of King of the jungle at Free Jokes.ca
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Douglas Clark (The Sunset Strip Killer(s)) started killing in the year 1980. The official number of people that were killed were 6 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 6 people. The last reported murder was on 1980. The murders took place in California.

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